Letter to my MP - the new PM’s actions

Today I wrote to my MP (Jonathan Lord) - this is what I wrote…

Dear Jonathan,

I want to let you know how scared I am by the measures announced by the Government in the last few days.  From removing environmental protections to a mini-budget which favours the richest and does little to address those in need.

The Prime Minister is focusing on GDP growth as the most important objective in a successful society.  And yet, a strong economy relies on the underpinning support of a stable environment and a strong social foundation.

The lifting of measures that protect our natural environment together with plans to ramp up fossil fuel use will be extremely damaging to our environment and biodiversity.  This on top of the precarious situation we already find ourselves in. In this ‘decade of action’ we need to be taking bold, unprecedented actions to protect the environment on which we rely – not causing further damage and destabilisation. 

This stable environment underpins everything.  We can’t risk it. 

On top of that, we need a strong functioning society.  At the moment, inequality in the UK is far too high.  It’s embarrassing and wrong that we have so many people struggling to afford the bare essentials, looking ahead to an extremely challenging winter and relying on food banks and charity to get by.  There’s strong evidence that the measures taken in the mini-budget will not help these people. And also that high in-country inequality leads to unrest, crime and many other issues.  These are not the ingredients of a high functioning society.

The reaction of the international financial markets gives a clear indication of what many people feel about the measures that have been taken by this new Government!

As one of your constituents, I encourage you to do everything within your power to push against the extreme measures being taken at the moment.  We have a Prime Minister who, whilst elected according to the agreed process, was not chosen by either the majority of Conservative MPs or by the general public. And yet she is making taking radical measures which will harm the environment and the people for whom she is responsible. We need to do everything in our power to provide constructive challenge and prevent further damage being done.

I’m scared about the future of this country under this Government.  With a General Election potentially two years away, who knows what damage could be done in that time.

Thank you in advance for your support.

All the best,

Hannah Keartland

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